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Lines to Poems I'll Never Write Part III

Updated: Aug 13, 2020

My favorite author and poet, Iain Thomas, has begun to hold writing seminars on his Facebook page. I have attended both classes and live streamed readings of two of his books. He has encouraged me to both scourge up more old work and start writing more new pieces (which includes posts on here). In honor of Mr. Thomas's dedication to his readers, I have been inspired to create not only parts of "Cold Confession", but to go back to old writings and pull out good/salvageable pieces, and edit those that couldn't be used. Here is the result...


"You are the closest thing to love that I've ever felt..."

"Zooey and JGL got 500 Days of Summer, but I would take even one night of winter if it meant I got to ,'die by your side; well the pleasure, the privilege is mine...'"

"You're like an intricate piece of art, like a relic or ancient scroll, that no one else has discovered exists, but I've had the greatest privilege of stumbling upon you in these ruins. You're in a language I don't know. Not yet. I can't explain you; to myself or anyone. But I'll learn you. I'll study, stay up all night, until I have my PhD in You."

"I give you pieces of me to fill the broken parts of you. But how can I be of value to you when there becomes nothing left of me?

"I stay up each night because I'm afraid of having to start over when I wake up."


If you would be interested in reading some of Iain Thomas's work, please click here.

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